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Welcome to SpawnDev.BlazorJS Docs

The primary purpose of SpawnDev.BlazorJS and related libraries it to give Blazor WASM access to everything Javascript has access to by writing C#, not Javascript.

WebAssembly lacks some abilities that Javascript has, such access to the DOM, and a growing number of APIs. SpawnDev.BlazorJS gives Blazor WASM strongly typed access to those browser features via custom Javascript interop.

WebRTC, IndexedDB, canvas contexts, Geolocation, Push APIs... Anything Javascript has access to is accessible in Blazor WASM with SpawnDev.BlazorJS.

Run your Blazor WASM in DedicatedWorkers, SharedWorkers, and even ServiceWorkers with SpawnDev.BlazorJS.WebWorkers. Use WebWorkers to run services in another thread. Handle ServiceWorker events in .Net with a ServiceWorkerEventHandler.


Package Description
NuGet version
Enhanced Blazor WebAssembly Javascript interop
NuGet version
Blazor WASM WebWorkers, SharedWebWorkers, and ServiceWorker